
New Wage Curve Negotiations (Update 2/2015)

wage_curveThis is an update on the status of the new Wage Curve negotiations.

The parties to the SALGBC have agreed on the following process towards the conclusion of a new Wage Curve Collective Agreement:

• The SALGBC must, as soon as possible, establish a dedicated wage curve working group to gather information and make proposals for a new Wage Curve Collective Agreement;
• The working group must establish terms of reference for its operations; and
• The working group must also set deadlines for finalisation of a new Wage Curve Collective Agreement.

It is envisaged that the working group will be assisted by a remuneration expert to establish uniform salary scales for local government.

IMATU will monitor these developments and ensure that the process to conclude a new Wage Curve Collective Agreement gets underway as soon as possible.

Regions will be kept informed as the matter progresses.