This is an update on the status of the Main Collective Agreement (MCA) negotiations.
The parties to the SALGBC’s National Bargaining Committee have agreed to resolve the deadlock on the MCA negotiations on the following basis:
• All amendments to the MCA that the parties have reached agreement on will be implemented.
• In respect of those parts of the MCA that the parties cannot reach agreement on, the status quo will remain.
• The Housing Allowance is to be dealt with in the wage negotiations / IMATU’s housing allowance dispute.
• The final document is to be converted into a facilitator’s proposal for all parties to obtain a mandate.
• The return date for all parties to indicate their acceptance or non-acceptance of the facilitator’s proposal is 10 April 2015.
The facilitator’s proposal which outlines the areas of agreement and areas of non-agreement in detail will be circulated to all Regions for a mandate once we receive it from the facilitator.
Members will be kept informed as the matter progresses.