
Housing Allowance Dispute (Update 5/2014)

housing_allowanceThis in an update on the current status of the national housing allowance dispute.

Please note that the parties to the SALGBC have decided to return to the bargaining table in a last ditch effort to reach consensus on the Main Collective Agreement negotiations, which includes the housing allowance. These negotiations have been scheduled for 14 August 2014 and will be conducted under the auspices of a facilitator, Mr Pat Stone.

We have, in the meantime, received a formal request from SALGA’s legal representatives to suspend our housing allowance dispute pending the outcome of their Labour Court application to review the certificate of non-resolution previously issued by the conciliator at the end of the conciliation process in this matter. We however indicated that we cannot accommodate their request as we do not believe that their application has any prospects of success. Accordingly, the housing allowance dispute will continue, subject to the outcome of the upcoming negotiations.

Regions will be kept informed as the matter progresses.